Halo Infinite Release Date Pushed Back To 2021


    In a year where gaming events and games are being cancelled or delayed due to the coronavirus, one of the biggest victims of this has to be Halo Infinite.

    Halo Infinite was set to be a launch title for the Xbox Series X console, but as a “result of multiple factors” Halo Infinite will be pushed back to an undetermined release date in 2021.

    343 Industries released the statement on Wednesday, only a few weeks after showcasing a demo of Halo Infinite at its Xbox Games Studio events. While the game continues to generate considerable hype, there were reported criticisms about the demo regarding visuals and graphics that hopefully 343 will remedy with the extended time.

    This is the latest announcement in a year where game developers are erring on the side of caution when it comes to their products; Nintendo Directs have been pushed back, and The Last of Us: Part II was delayed an extra month, although it got strong reviews and sales when it was released.

    This delay will nevertheless be a huge blow to the launch of the Xbox Series X console in November; Halo Infinite being a launch title would have paired nicely with the new console heading into the holiday season, and could’ve been an edge for consumers to buy the Xbox Series X over the upcoming PlayStation 5. The lack of Halo Infinite could mean that many players will hold off on purchasing the new console until 2021.

    Still, the launch of Halo Infinite will be a massive one, with 343 confirming that the multiplayer would be free-to-play as well as 120fps. And if the delay gives the production team more time to ensure a higher quality product, perhaps it will be better in the longterm rather than rushing the game in time for the holiday season.

    In the meantime, the Master Chief Collection recently released Halo 3, and it’s been getting strong reviews on Steam as well as an increasingly popular playerbase. This should tide some players over until Halo Infinite finally hits the shelves.