Professional Super Smash Bros. Player Makes A Wish


    Whenever we hear of who a child would want to meet through the Make A Wish foundation, it’s common for them to want to meet their favorite athlete or singer. Meeting a professional gamer didn’t seem like it would ever be on the radar; until now.

    Riley, who was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, chose to use his wish to meet professional Super Smash Brothers player Nairoby “Nairo” Quezada. Nairo, who is one of the best Smash Bros. players in the world, as well as a successful Twitch streamer, was honored to make that wish come true.

    On top of spending the day at Dave & Buster’s playing Smash Bros. and other games in the arcade, Nairo hooked up Riley with some quality gear and merch, including signed jerseys from NRG, the esports team that Nairo represents.

    You can watch the full video of the event below on NRG’s YouTube channel. Disclaimer: Please have tissues on hand, and get ready for the feels.