With ‘Super Mario Maker 2’ Around The Corner, Here Are 4 Amazing ‘Super Mario Maker’ Levels


Super Mario Maker 2 drops on June 28th, 2019, almost four years after the original groundbreaking title Super Mario Maker was released for the Wii U. The ability to create and share your own Mario levels with millions of other players was an instant hit, and we were soon exposed to all kinds of level ranging from creative to downright evil

Before the next installment in the Mario Maker franchise, we found four epic levels from the original Super Mario Maker for you to watch and indulge in. Check them out!

1. Mario Goes To Africa

Who doesn’t love Toto’s “Africa?” The song-turned-meme has maintained itself through the decades, and someone went as far as to use Mario Maker’s mechanics to recreate the song in 8-bit format.
This one is a little more different than standard Mario Maker song levels, requiring more than standing or sprinting through the level. The result is more than worth it, though.

2. Pit of Panga: U-Break

PangeaPanga originally broke the internet and made many Mario players made with his P-Break level, which was attempted hundreds of thousands of times with only a few dozen completions. Dubbed the hardest level ever at the time, that title was claimed when Panga released this somehow even harder level.

The level, as told by Panga, took him 11 hours to make and a whopping 39 hours to beat. Was it worth it? Who knows…but at least watching him beat it is pleasing enough!

3. Koopa’s Cruel Castle

A 6-minute long ordeal, this level lives up to the name in cruelty with its toughest of tough platforming challenges. The stress of watching the section with the music notes above the lava has certainly aged me decades…but I’ll take it for having witnessed this monstrosity get beaten!

4. Metal Gear Solid

If you’re like me, you love Metal Gear Solid. But unlike me, there are some people who are creative enough to recreate elements of the game in Super Mario Maker. This was done here, featuring an infiltration section, a fight with a Hind D (complete with a pilot!) and even a battle with Metal Gear REX. It has a little something for everyone; well done, Snake…er, Mario!

If you thought these levels were good, wait for Super Mario Maker 2 to drop next week!