Ronda Rousey To Voice Sonya Blade In Mortal Kombat 11


    Mortal Kombat 11 is the next installment in the over-the-top, gore-filled fighting franchise, and during a live event on Thursday, January 17th, fans of the game were treated to some gameplay footage, a release date announcement, and the reveal that Sonya Blade would be voiced by Ronda Rousey.

    Rousey, who is a former UFC champion and currently signed to the WWE, is one of the defining athletes of the 21st century, being the first female fighter inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame, as well as being one of the top pay-per-view draws in the world. Her involvement in the Mortal Kombat franchise lends a level of celebrity that is sure to increase the game’s view in the public eye.

    You can watch the reveal trailer for Sonya Blade below:

    On top of the excitement surrounding Rousey’s involvement, the event included lots of quality gameplay footage showcasing some mechanics, the beautiful graphics, and, of course, the blood and carnage that has come to define the Mortal Kombat franchise. Viewers were even treated to a prologue for the story mode, as well as some gloriously disgusting fatalities that help earn the game its “M” rating.

    Mortal Kombat is slated to be released on April 23rd. Preordering now will give players access to the Beta version when made available, so be sure to get those credit cards out!