PlayStation Joins The 21st Century And Allows Cross-Play For Fortnite


In a shocking turn of events, PlayStation has finally softened up on their stance when it comes to cross-play and will allow users to play Fortnite with players on other devices. It had previously avoided cross-play, citing child protection as one of the primary reasons.

Sony has general annoyed users with its lack of cross-play in recent times, but its focus on exclusive titles and a relatively low number of big multi-platform games made the issue relatively benign.

This all changed in June when Fortnite came to the Nintendo Switch, getting two million downloads in the first 24 hours. Unfortunately, many users were hit with a roadblock: if you had previously used your Epic Games account on a PS4 system, you were unable to log in with this account on a PC, Xbox, or Switch console.

Gamers were rightly outraged and made it known via social media and various websites. On top of being blocked from using their accounts on different consoles, PlayStation users could only play against fellow PS4 users, as well as select PC accounts, whereas Xbox, Switch, and PC players could all play with one another without the struggle.

The public outrage reached the ears of Sony’s finest, and they have announced that they will begin allowing cross-play for various games on their platform, beginning with Fortnite. A historic moment in gaming, Fortnite will be the first game in which Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony enthusiasts can all play with one another.

Time will tell how much progress Sony makes with this new initiative, but for now, we can celebrate a new chapter in cross-platform gaming.