The Memes Came Rolling In When This Fortnite Player Got Friendzoned


Getting friendzoned can sting something fierce. Getting friendzoned when you’re one of the top Fortnite streamers in the world is a surefire way to get meme’d on.

Myth, a professional Fortnite player and very popular streamer for Team SoloMid, is the latest victim of friendzoning, per this tweet by Skwonto:

While the tweet itself was nice and wholesome, it didn’t take long for fans (and even teammates) to hop on and start roasting Myth. With over 1K replies to the picture, we knew we were in for some quality content.

The memes were out in full force, perfectly capturing the situation.

Pour one out for our brother; while the goal of his pilgrimage may have fallen short, the joy that came from its failure is a win for everybody.