What Are “Footsies” In Fighting Games?
“Footsie (footsy, or footsies) is a flirting game where two people touch feet under a table or otherwise concealed place, often as...
What Does “TAS” Mean In Video Games?
If you’ve ever seen a TAS recording of a video game, you’ll likely notice that the gameplay looks...off. Players will be zipping...
What Is A “Tier List” In Video Games?
Top tier. Bottom tier. What does it all even mean?
Where there are multiplayer games with a variety of...
What Is “Evo Moment 37” Exactly?
If gamers were forced to choose one moment to serve as the most iconic and memorable moment in the history of competitive gaming, there...
What Does It Mean To Be Frame-Perfect?
When you dive into the world of competitive gaming, you’ll be hearing a lot about frames; whether it’s frames-per-second or frame data,...
Why Are There So Many Waluigi Players Using The Wiggler Bike In Mario Kart...
As you play more and more Mario Kart 8 Deluxe online and face better and better players, you’ll notice a recurring character...
Did You Know: This Music Was Removed From ‘Ocarina of Time’ For Containing Religious...
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is arguably the greatest video game of all-time, and part of what makes it such...
What Are “Splits” In Speedrunning?
Speedrunning is becoming more and more of a popular category to watch on Twitch and YouTube; watching players soar through our favorite...
What Is “APM” In Gaming?
If you watch real-time strategy or fighting games, the term “APM” will find its way to you. It’s a term that applies...
A Guide To Understanding MOBA: The Most Popular Esports Genre
If any genre of video game was synonymous with esports, it would be the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA.) In the last...